Shenzhen City Outstanding Henzhen Technologies Ltd.
- Sakada Street in Shenzhen, Guangdong.
- CE (Europe) certification 7th place on the Heat List in Shenzhen Pharmaceutical Industry Possibilities Map Processing Sample Processing Support for Sample Processing Support for Foreign Trade Orders
Dawn Electric Plant, Tsang Creek.
- Zhejiang Ningbotsu Creek Roundabout, Yuncheng Village (Witway)
- (a) The 8th place on the hot list the 5th place on the hot list the ironing of the iron the support of the sticker the support of the print the support of the foreign trade order the support of the sample the preparation of the drawings the availability of tickets and the sample
Sakayama City Smart Electric Co. Ltd.
- Kiwan-Fu Road, Kiwan Road, Kyushu, Nakayama City, Guangdong Province
- The first drilling plant, first in the list of wetners plastics ticketability integrity rating AA support for sample processing mapping support for packaging customization packaging packages support for foreign trade orders integration of trade good production environment oil refining support for sample household use
Sakayama City Smart Electric Co. Ltd.
- Nine counties, Kiwan-Fu Road No. 2
- (b) Promulgable tickets support for stickers integrity rating of AA support for sample processing support for sample handling support for foreign trade orders preparation of drawings subcontracting wetting plastics
Guangdong Tetan Smart Electronics Ltd.
- Two 3rd floors, 1st Xinhua Road, Middle Mount Triangle, Guangdong
- The first drilling plant in 2024 the 8th place on the wetner heater list the regulatory enterprise oils packaged materials plastics clean-up support for foreign trade orders support for graphics processing pro bono tickets patenting certificates support for packaging customization support for handling integration of trade
Johnson Electric Co. Ltd., Nakayama City
- 2nd floor, 4nd floor, Mid-East Shandong, Hong Kong
- Co-workers contract packages support for sample processing ticketability stainless steel graphic processing support for packaging customization support for foreign trade orders support for insulation logo power supply in Nakayama good credit rating for sesameabs
Haiyan Daily Supplies Ltd., Nakayama City
- Two A5s, 8 Wenzhen Road, Central Mount Tan, Guangdong
- Home-based brand factories support for foreign trade orders availability of tickets AA integrity rating support for printing logo support for stamp processing for graphic processing for subcontracting and for mapping