Ngôn ngữ trình duyệt của bạn hiện đang là tiếng Việt. Bạn có muốn chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt không?Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
The King is full of wheat, and he's got an all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eating breakfast.
The King is full of wheat, and he's got an all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eating breakfast.
The King is full of wheat, and he's got an all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eating breakfast.
The King is full of wheat, and he's got an all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eating breakfast.

The King is full of wheat, and he's got an all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat, all-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eat-eating breakfast.

ManufacturerMegatech (Gangzhou) Ltd.
Validation period60 days
Imported or notYes
BrandThe king is full.
Commodity bar code69730332707046
ProducerAnhui Hope Food Co.
Product categoryWhole wheat bread.
Raw materials and ingredientsSee packing
CategoryGeneral bread.
Method of salePackaging
Date of productionSee packing
Storage methodsIn the cold, dry air.
Net content (specify)1150g
Production permit numberSC 1243411105073
Packaging specificationsA family pack of 16 packs (*2 pieces per flavor) + cereal * 2, thick coconut milk * 8 + coffee cheese *8, thick coconut milk * 8 + cranberry *8 * (black + Qia seed cereal)
Hot month.All year
Storage conditionsTemperature
Is it sugary?Sugar

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